Crispy Bread Rolls | Evening Tea Snack Recipes | Swetha Changappa

2022-04-20 4

Who's hungry? Want to taste some 'Crispy Bread Rolls?' The perfect snack time munch reaped from my mom's easy recipes.

Nowadays, cooking with mom has enabled me to show you a few fast cooking ideas and many more cooking videos than usual. So I thought, why not try a finger food that's everyone's favorite?

Let me show you how to cook a refreshing tea-time snack from the bread recipes. If you're wondering how to make these crunchy snackibles that are healthy and hassle-free as it is from home cooking? Jump right into the video.

Follow me and my mum share steps that lead you to say: Ah! It's Simply tasty! Want to accompany me in my other cooking videos and Kannada vlogs? Hit the subscribe button and stay tuned.